To pull, not push
Our R&D investments are, from the outset, informed by the clinical unmet needs of our target species. We gain this knowledge through our close contact with veterinarians.

To be nimble
As a ‘virtual pharmaceutical company’ Luoda has low overheads, with the vast majority of its spend being on R&D. Targeting significant formulation changes of existing actives to improve clinical outcomes makes registration more straightforward.

To partner with Big Pharma
We target partnerships with global pharmaceutical companies to leverage our intellectual property and R&D capabilities with Big Pharma’s brand recognition, funding and overseas into international markets.
Our Vision
Luoda has a clear commercialization strategy at the core of its business. This strategy is largely driven by Luoda’s historical association with Bova Compounding, Australia’s largest veterinary compounder. Some of the products that Luoda is taking through the registration process have their origins as animal health compounding products that Bova has been successfully selling for many years. The success of a compounded product means that the market for the registered version is has been field tested, allowing greater confidence even before registration that the product will be a commercial success.
Big Pharma has R&D budget constraints and is increasingly looking to partner with small pharma start-ups who they are confident can deliver innovations rapidly in order to expedite product development. Luoda recognizes that strong partnerships with Big Pharma are extremely important, and in most cases, are absolutely necessary. They offer Luoda brand recognition, funding and penetration into highly valuable global markets.